The Seven Levels to Love



Are you sick of your Specific Person not contacting or pursuing you?

If so, read below

Because you can create a reality where your SP will treat you exactly how you want to be treated… 
And in my newest course, I’ll show you how!

Trust me, I know it sucks when you feel left hanging by your Specific Person…When you feel:

  • Ghosted
  • Dropped
  • Ignored
  • Not loved, respected, listened to, desired or cared for by the person you love!
It’s NOT something ANYONE would ever want.
You don’t have to experience this reality anymore!
That’s right.
You can create a reality where your Specific Person misses youcontacts you in an ongoing way, desires you and pursues you as much as you want.
And in this course, I’m going to show you exactly how.

Completing this course will help you:

Who is the course for?


  • Anyone trying to attract a specific person.
  • Anyone trying to get back the one that got away.
  • Anyone who is trying to catch the eye of that cutie at work or school.

Learning Path

In this level you will dive deep into finding out what is your vibration when you are with this Specific Person and learn how to match that same vibration.

In level 2 you will reflect on things in past relationships that are currently still holding you back and learn how to release them.

In level 3 you will learn how to eliminate limiting beliefs that are stopping you from being with your specific person.

In level 4 you will learn manifestation techniques that you will use to actively manifest your specific person to love you.

In level 5 you will make affirmations specifically tailored to manifesting your specific person.

In level 6 you will learn how to give your manifestation to the Universe, so that the Universe can do the work for you.

In level 7 you will learn what to do AFTER you have manifested your specific person to assure that your relationship will last with them until the end of time.

What people are saying

Are You Ready To Start?